About the Library

The library collection consists of approximately 450 quilt-related books.  Books are listed by title and a current list is available here.


The Library Committee encourages you to make full use of our excellent book selection. 

The Library is located at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (2825 Hillsdale Street) across the hall from the ladies washroom. 

The Library is open before each Guild meeting from 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm.  Guild members are allowed to borrow up to 3 books at a time, with the understanding that they are lent on a monthly basis.  This means you can borrow them for one month and return them at the next guild meeting so they will be available for other members.  You may check the book out again if there are no requested ‘holds’ for it.

Should you not have time to browse the library yourself, we invite you to look at the list of books (as noted above) and reserve (up to 3 books at a time) by emailing prairiepiecemakerslibrary@gmail.com at least 3 days prior to the next meeting.  Your books will then be waiting for your pick-up in the library just before the next Guild Meeting.

Should the book you wish to borrow already be lent out, you can put a hold on that item for the next month by asking one of the librarians. 

To borrow books over the summer, simply show your current membership card to one of the librarians with the understanding that the books will be returned at the September meeting.